October 24, 2017


Now that we are closing in on Halloween I thought I would share my favorite Halloween ad with you. Going viral is every ad agency’s dream when it comes to creating a commercial for their client. Well, that’s what happened with this Snickers commercial “Grocery Store Lady."

October 19, 2017


You’re a sophisticated CMO in a sophisticated industry, so why should you consider the webinar as a powerful tool in your arsenal? Because, as scrappy and outdated as you think they are, there is no better tool to tell your story and educate your consumers than video. 

October 18, 2017


For an advertising medium that began in the 1920’s, radio has shown itself to be a resilient way to deliver brand messaging. But with the rise of digital advertising, many are questioning radio’s continued longevity. Web marketers will tell you it’s dying a slow death while radio marketers will tell you it’s never been more relevant.

The truth? Well, it’s somewhere in the middle.

October 12, 2017

Bullying, we’ve all heard about it. We all know how wrong it is. I don’t like to preach or show spots that are not uplifting, but you need to see this.

October 04, 2017

Social Media

It’s always a good day when Facebook rolls out a new feature, and the latest is no exception.

Facebook’s latest upgrade allows business pages to upload cover videos instead of the traditional cover photos. While this may seem like a minor tweak, it’s actually a big deal. Now brands large and small can create a dynamic experience for users and generate engagements for a long-overlooked property on their Facebook pages.

September 27, 2017


If you’ve never heard of “Brandalism” you’re not alone.

Made popular by underground artists such as Banksy, Brandalism takes popular branding and brand messaging and attempts to subvert it, often justifying the act by referencing our inability to escape the constant presence of branding in our everyday lives.

September 14, 2017


We call him Bill, and he loves all things “cool” (especially using the word). Our Executive Coolness Creative Director has worked in advertising for more than 25 years, breaking into the industry in Chicago at Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, Foote Cone and Belding, and Campbell Mithun Esty. He has produced work for many well-known national and international brands including Gatorade, Coors, Sears, Windex, Boeing, Wilson Sports, Craftsman Tools and Mattel.