That crashing sound you hear coming from advertising agencies across the country is the sound of walls coming down.
This is a very recent commercial done for Pedigree dog food.
In one of the most famous Dove films, Real Beauty Sketches explores the gap between how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves.
When you talk about disruptive you don’t have to look any further than Dollar Shave Club.
Several weeks ago I started a blog titled “You Deserve a Break Today.” It was a two-fold play on words. The first play referred back to an earlier career with McDonald’s. The second was meant to give you a two minute break from your day to watch a really cool commercial. Each week I send out a commercial that for one reason or another has caught the public’s fancy. You will get to see a commercial accompanied by brief explanation as to why it was successful.
Some say that our country is being torn apart. If you look at many ads produced recently, including this one, you will see that in general, the public gives favorable ratings to commercials that highlight our similarities versus our differences. This is an exceptionally well done spot that highlights and honors who WE are.
Colgate started an #EveryDropCounts campaign raising awareness about the issue of wasting water while brushing your teeth. This commercial shows a man leaving the faucet on while brushing his teeth. While the water is running, Colgate illustrates how many uses the water has for others who may not even get that much water in an entire week.