September 25, 2020

Katie Arneson

1. You have spent a majority of your life in the age of instant gratification via technology. How has this impacted the way you build a campaign for a new client?

With the age of instant gratification comes the age of great expectations. Despite that people expect to receive something instantly, they also expect it to be of the highest quality. Having grown up in a time when technology began to takeover communication, I know how easy it is to feel a constant need to be ahead of everything. The best thing I can do for my clients is take a step back and work in the present, rather than constantly worry about my next move. That way I don’t miss anything important, and I take my time to get the campaign right the first time. So, yeah, instant gratification definitely impacts the way you have to think in marketing.

July 24, 2020

Two men recording a live marketing video

The world of digital marketing continues to evolve faster than you can say, “What the heck is Twitch?” Adoption of certain tactics has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Others are losing steam or facing new obstacles.

Is your head spinning yet? Relax. Take a deep breath. We’re here to ease your mind and narrow your focus. Here are three emerging digital marketing strategies you should be paying attention to right now:

June 01, 2020

Man turning the page on a black and white, cloudy day to reveal sunny, blue skies

“The new normal.” … “These challenging times.” … “We’re all in this together.” 

By now, you’re probably hearing these common advertising refrains in your sleep. While these were appropriate messages to connect with a consumer base whose collective mood quickly shifted as the COVID-19 pandemic took over daily life, they are more likely now to fall on deaf ears.

March 25, 2020

Learn from the past ... think of the future; pen in the middle of two pieces of paper

Brands large and small are finding new and creative ways to reach customers during a time of uncertainty amidst the COVID-19 outbreak. While these are great reactionary strategies to remain in front of consumers, the savvy and more disciplined marketers are determined to not overreact but recognize the need to adjust strategies and respond to shifts in consumer behavior driven by the virus.

March 13, 2020

Empty college campus

The moment a prospective student first steps foot on your campus can be a special one. A tour of your school … all of the wonderful things it has to offer … seeing new things, meeting new people. Suddenly, it’s home.

But what if it can’t happen?

March 09, 2020

microphone and stand in front of a large group of people

Walmart stopped selling handgun ammunition in response to the mass-shooting epidemic in America.

Ben & Jerry’s devotes a page on its website to “Issues We Care About,” including LGBT equality and racial justice.

Penzy’s Spices spent more than $700,00 on Facebook ads supporting the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Brands taking a public stand on social and political issues, not long ago considered taboo, is now accepted — even expected. More are doing it, and consumers are noticing; 70 percent believe it’s important for brands to have a voice when it comes to social and political issues. Taking a strong position on an issue — and following through with action — can improve your brand perception.

January 17, 2020

elderly man and young girl embracing and laughing


It’s an accurate term to describe the impact that the growth of data-driven marketing has had over the past decade. Monumental. Radical. Immense. Those work, too. Regardless, the ability to more easily reach target audiences and measure performance has increased efficiency and reduced costs.