A recent article by American Banker highlights how big banks are investing millions in upgrading their ATM experience.
JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America—which operate more than 15,000 ATM—recently began rolling out sleek machines that look and feel like iPads. But cash withdrawals have stagnated as younger consumers are drawn to online and mobile banking. Clearly, digital is the future.
Let’s say you’ve decided to start your own small business; you’ve been passionate about candles for a long time, and your new business is making and selling candles. As part of your business plan, you’ve found a workspace, purchased the supplies to get your first batch going, filed all necessary paperwork and even found a designer to design and print the labels for your candles. Next on the “to do” list is to get business cards printed and your own website launched. You’re feeling great about your plans, but a month later you’re struggling to find customers. What went wrong?
One of the challenges facing content writers is producing work that’s compelling, but still earns measurables like clicks and retweets, satisfying clients and advertisers. On the one hand, you want to write entertaining and informative content, drumming up brand interest. On the other, it must be provably effective, with numbers to back it up.
If you Google the term “SEO” you will receive 515 million results in less than a second. That’s how many resources have been dedicated to documenting and explaining the concept behind Google’s search algorithm. Despite all the literature available, business owners large and small are constantly asking, “What is SEO, and why does my website need it?”
It’s May, and Mother’s Day is this Sunday. Is everyone ready to purchase flowers for Mom?
Obviously, flowers are beautiful. So beautiful and organic, they happened to be the subject of still-life art through the years.
More and more people are questioning their use of Facebook in the wake of Cambridge Analytics scandal, but looking ahead, will that continue to be the case?
Despite an initial #DeleteFacebook movement that saw hundreds of users remove their profiles (including Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak), some experts think Facebook will remain secure atop the social media pyramid. “The early social data gives us no indication that Facebook will lose any meaningful number of users or engagement from this scandal,” Andy Swann, founder of LikeFolio, writes in a Forbes article.
However, that doesn’t mean Facebook doesn’t have a lot of ground to make up among its users, and advertisers. Most recently, Facebook has moved to re-establish some credibility by requiring marketers to guarantee<
With Mother’s Day coming up I thought I would post a great commercial whose theme is about Moms.