July 24, 2020

Two men recording a live marketing video

The world of digital marketing continues to evolve faster than you can say, “What the heck is Twitch?” Adoption of certain tactics has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Others are losing steam or facing new obstacles.

Is your head spinning yet? Relax. Take a deep breath. We’re here to ease your mind and narrow your focus. Here are three emerging digital marketing strategies you should be paying attention to right now:

August 08, 2019

millennial sitting at a table looking over his finances

Ah, those tricky millennials. We think we know exactly who they are, but do we, really? There are a lot of myths out there about this generation, making them a difficult target for financial institutions looking to appeal to a growing market.

So instead of trying to figure out which perceptions of millennials are accurate and which aren’t, it’s best to stick to the facts — yes, we’re talking about hard numbers, data, facts. We’ve compiled five that are especially important as it relates to financial services marketing, along with some actionable items to help you gain traction in your marketing efforts with millennials.

July 31, 2019

Pen, tablet, stethoscope and eyeglasses lying on top of charts and graphs

As an industry professional, you know how difficult it is to stay on top of the ever-changing landscape of healthcare marketing. From new platforms to the always-expanding role of digital to the often-overwhelming amount of data and analytics, it all can be a bit much sometimes, right?

We’re here to help. Leaning on our extensive experience in healthcare marketing, along with takeaways from our recent attendance at the Summit on Healthcare Marketing & Physician Strategies plus some good old fashion research, we have identified five key statistics you need to know. We went a step further and provided easy, actionable tips you can incorporate as you try to keep pace in this challenging healthcare marketing race.

July 11, 2019

Geo marketing: zone in on your target audience; aerial view of a golf course marked with a boundary and overlayed with two Verona Area Chamber of Commerce digital golf ads


A lot of people are passionate about sports; same goes for travel. Combine the two, and you get what is believed to be the fastest growing segment in the travel industry: sports tourism, which is a $1.7 trillion business (Plunkett Research Group). It encompasses those who travel to a destination to:

  • Watch a sporting event;
  • Visit a sports attraction, such as a hall of fame;
  • Participate in a sporting activity.
September 12, 2017

Ian Mullarney

Try new things and take a risk, those are words Ian, our director of digital, lives by. Concepting, designing, creating, testing, tracking, adjusting and analyzing and then starting all over are all on the “to do” list today.

September 08, 2017

Craig McHugh

Craig is a native cheesehead who returned to Madison in 2010 after giving Southern living a go for nearly a decade in Columbia, S.C., where he worked as a newspaper copy editor. When he's not pumping out websites, he's enjoying being near family again and attending Badger sporting events. 

October 04, 2017

Social Media

It’s always a good day when Facebook rolls out a new feature, and the latest is no exception.

Facebook’s latest upgrade allows business pages to upload cover videos instead of the traditional cover photos. While this may seem like a minor tweak, it’s actually a big deal. Now brands large and small can create a dynamic experience for users and generate engagements for a long-overlooked property on their Facebook pages.

August 30, 2017


Log into Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or even Instagram, and what do you see? More likely than not, among candid pics of your friends and event reminders you’re likely to see post after post of content from another source.

Everything from news articles to tutorial videos, funny memes or moving gifs, content is being shared everywhere. If your brand isn’t creating content with shareability in mind, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. 

July 26, 2017

Live Streaming

The explosion of smartphones in the marketplace changed a lot about the world we live in today, but from a marketing perspective, it placed a camera in the pocket of millions of people. That camera can be used to capture hundreds of images that can be uploaded directly to your favorite social media sites, or emailed to your colleagues. That camera can also be used to capture and create videos.

May 31, 2017

ATM Infographic

A recent article by American Banker highlights how big banks are investing millions in upgrading their ATM experience. 

JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America—which operate more than 15,000 ATM—recently began rolling out sleek machines that look and feel like iPads. But cash withdrawals have stagnated as younger consumers are drawn to online and mobile banking. Clearly, digital is the future.

May 17, 2017

What is search engine optimizationIf you Google the term “SEO” you will receive 515 million results in less than a second. That’s how many resources have been dedicated to documenting and explaining the concept behind Google’s search algorithm. Despite all the literature available, business owners large and small are constantly asking, “What is SEO, and why does my website need it?”