November 08, 2016

What is it?

Boeing, the world’s largest aerospace company, created a short commercial for Memorial Day. The audience sees a variety of people talking to the camera and reminiscing about people they knew. The more the audience hears, the more they understand that these are veterans speaking about people they fought with in the military who have passed away.


Why it’s good

More often than not, Memorial Day turns into a 3-day weekend filled with sales at retail stores. Boeing does an excellent job bringing everyone back to the basics of what Memorial Day is really about. This commercial is very simple by having a few people telling stories and qualities of that one person they got to know well during their time in the military. It illustrates what these fallen soldiers have meant to them and reminds us what we should be celebrating. Memorial Day is celebrated throughout the country, so the audience was fairly big and many people could relate to it. It means even more when it comes from a company that largely produces equipment made for the military.

Was it successful?

This commercial has been viewed tens of thousands of times on YouTube and has great comments thanking those who have served. It has also been called “very inspiring” and gave others “goosebumps and chills.” It’s an advertisement that can be played year after year because the message remains the same.

About the author: Wayne Harris

Wayne Harris is the President of 6AM Marketing.

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